Tuesday, 21 October 2008

The eagle has landed.

Six weeks in, the course is well under way and the second assignment deadline has been and gone (in what seems like no time at all). However in this short space of time I feel I’ve learnt so much, not only on computer fundamentals but also as an individual, including the way I go about structuring my home study and time management skills.

Having completed the second assignment in a somewhat comfortable and relaxed manner I would love to be able to sit back and say the anxiety had disappeared, but unfortunately this is not to be the case and feel I won’t be able to put these feelings to rest until we receive our grades in several weeks time.

I’m confidant that everything has been done in the correct manner, but can’t help but think that there may be something that’s not quite right or I may have missed! (Let’s hope I’m wrong).

All this aside, I’m now completely settled into the course and the way things are working, including myself. Comfortable in the knowledge that I’ve adapted successfully to higher education, quashing any fears I may have had prior to commencing the course.

Luckily help and support are always close by in the form of ‘Das Forum’ (the out of college class room) which has helped immensely in providing informative information in regards to the assignments and also just in general. I’m now eagerly awaiting the start of the new term and look forward to tackling the assignments that lie ahead, taking with me and utilising all I have learned from my experience so far.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Mac or PC?

To say I was somewhat apprehensive about starting the HND Interactive Media course would be an understatement! After leaving school and developing out in the big wide world for over a decade, I couldn't help but wonder what college life would be like and more importantly how I would adapt to it as a mature student.

So, four weeks in and so far we've thrown eggs from windows, played catch and been set our first two assignments, one ongoing throughout the year and a 1500 word essay on computer fundamentals (which is fast approaching deadline).

I feel that I've adapted really well to the course demands and have developed my skills in several areas already. The amount of information I have taken in whilst working on our assignments is incredible, in fact I find it quite amusing that I now actually have an opinion on topical debates such as
Mac or PC!

Unfortunately my social life has taken a bit of a hit and don't really have much time for anything other than college related tasks these days. However I'm quite surprised that I don't really miss it that much and feel the course is fast becoming a way of life, a way of life that I'm really getting into.

We have a great group who all seem to get on really well which only adds to the pleasure of completing this course. I have made some good friends and feel there is a lot of support to be had.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Where I’ve come from; where I am now; where I’m going.

Hi, I'm Brad Howell, a 26 year old first year student on the HND Interactive Media course at Wakefield College.

I find myself here at this point in life to seek a positive change and new direction, not only with my career but also as an individual. My journey so far has been both exciting and emotional, managing to fit an amazing amount of experiences into such a short period of time.

As far as education goes, I feel this is somewhat limited leaving high school with only the one GCSE in Art and Design. Although I would like to think that life experience has made up greatly for the lack of academic practice. This including such things as running my own company in the construction industry and superbike race team at British Superbike level.

From leaving school I immediately found full time employment to contribute financially towards one of the greatest passions in my life, this being motorcycle racing. Having competed successfully in the sport for over a decade, I now feel the time is right for me to sit back and be realistic about my future aspirations.

This is where the HND Interactive Media
course comes into play. I strongly feel design and creativity have always been within me and where better to display this other than web design. This is a new direction I am eagerly awaiting to take and welcome the challenges that may lie ahead.

Securing a position as a web designer in the industry is obviously my main goal, along with many others including discovering my maximum potential, creating a professional portfolio and the ability to learn new skills. I feel that successful completion of the HND course will offer all these opportunities and more.